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Record: 4385
Date: Sunday, January 12, 2025, 11:24 AM
Subject: Reformed Resources
Name: Matthew Smith
City: Broomall
State: Pennsylvania
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Friend
You still have guestbooks, you still preach against divorce, you still hold to the doctrines of grace, and you still love God and hold to his precepts. My kind of Christian resource. Just wanted to say thanks to God for your faithfulness in this time of trial.
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024, 4:52 AM
Name: Michael Puyear
State: Texas
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Word of Mouth
I have really been blessed by this Christian resource and the great collections of sermons I read daily here. May the Lord bless you.
Date: Saturday, July 20, 2024, 7:05 AM
Subject: Good Theology
Name: Dave Shaver
City: Johannesburg Country: South Africa
Found Site by: Search Engine
Dear Mountain Retreat Hosts,
I'm praying for your work that you are doing, and especially for the light that you are bringing to sound eschatological understanding. Thank you for representing Jesus Christ and the truth of the gospel by encouraging us to allow the bible to be its own interpreter. Your faithfulness, tenacity, and earnest desire to do the will of God is a big encouragement to the weakest of us who pray for strength. The reformed view is an example of churches holding to a very "sola scriptura" leaning to its view of the prophetic end times. I respect that.
Date: Monday, May 13, 2024, 3:25 PM
Subject: Reformed Eschatology
Name: Ryan Dockstader
Homepage: Cacse Presbyterian Church

City: Cacse State: Sc
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Search Engine
I'm new to this Center for Biblical Theology and Eschatology. I'm not originally from a Reformed Christian background, but I came to know the truth about sola scriptura from reading books I bought off Amazon. As I was looking through your site I was amazed at the vast number of great biblical writings of so many bible-believing theologians. You all are blessed that God has created for you such a large repository of outstanding teachers who hold to the traditional truths of scripture. Your site stands out from the rest. I am so saddened that there are so many Christian sites that don't teach the unadulterated gospel the way they should. They seem to be more concerned with liberal philosophies, conservative politics, the mammon of unrighteousness, and more worried about the law of guns than the law of God. I think Christians today have lost their way. So God bless your ministry for teaching the church the true meaning of benevolent love, compassion, obedience, salvation, and the need for repentance and mission.
Date: Sunday, April 28, 2024, 9:51 PM
Subject: The Symbolism of Revelation
Name: Joe M. Lankford
City: Miami State: Florida
Country: USA
Found Site by: Search Engine
I just finished reading your article on the book of Revelation and was simply astounded that you speak on the subject so clearly, without all the crazy Israel, Russia, and military nonsense that I was amazed! When things start to fit together consistently, without all the current events and prophecies, we begin to understand what all the symbolism was about and realize the true nature of scripture. May God richly bless this site as I will be reading other articles here and searching out scripture to confirm these truths.
Date: Wednesday, January 24, 2024, 9:08 AM
Subject: Nice Site
Name: Amber Westfall
City: Fresno State: California
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
I am a former Roman Catholic who became a bible Christian because having learned to read for myself your church embodies more of what real God-loving Christianity is. Thank you for serving the Lord by your ministry of faithfulness to the scriptures. I have learned so much from this website. We especially enjoyed the "refreshing" eschatology section. May the Lord continue to richly bless your ministry.
Date: Sunday, December 31, 2023, 6:30 PM
Name: Gay Marie Allen

City: Green Bay State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Found Site by: Just Surfed In
Thank You for creating this website. May God Bless all of The Mountain Retreat as we are blessed to learn here.
I found you looking up the words "gainsay Bible" and clicking your link at the very bottom of the search results.
Date: Saturday, November 4, 2023, 4:28 AM
Name: Boniphace Peter
City: Mwanza State: Tanzania
Country: Africa
Found Site by: Search Engine
Am very blessed to discover your website which has become my learning class in growing in knowledge of God.God bless you.
Date: Monday, September 11, 2023, 10:12 AM
Subject: Thanks!
Name: Kannan Suggs
City: Delaware State: Ohio
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Word of Mouth
Praise the Lord for revealing this blessed website to me. I have been blessed by all the helpful sermons, articles, and studies, and am eager to learn more here. May the Lord bless you all abundantly. Thank you for making this knowledge freely available to us so that we can be fed with real bread, not the leven of the TV preachers and charlatans. Brother Warren, you are a privileged, down to earth teacher. God bless you, your family, and all the sisters and brethren who helped put this website together.
Date: Saturday, March 18, 2023, 1:40 PM
Subject: Hallelujah
Name: Hank Martin
Homepage: Franklin Square Orthodox Presbyterian Church

City: New York State: New York
Country: Usa
Found Site by: Word of Mouth
Not much old-school gospel preaching in the church today. So it's surprising and refreshing to actually find a Christian website that holds to the old standards of covenant marriage, predestination, sound eschatology, and grace. I am truly blessed by your teachings and find the studies and articles by other authors on your site quite helpful. I am currently doing some biblical research for a study group and your verse-by-verse commentary of Revelation are so powerful, eye-opening, and quite easy for an average joe like me to understand. May the Lord richly bless this site and bring many to the path of righteousness, rather than the shared political and sinful accommodations that pass for the church in our day. Thanks for sharing the word in a loving but uncompromising way.