Great Christian Doctrine
Defended; Evidences of it's Truth produced,
Arguments to the Contrary answered
Jonathan Edwards
Part I
Wherein Are Considered Some Evidences Of Original Sin From Facts And Events, As Founded By The Observation And Experience, Together With Representatations And Testimonies Of Holy Scripture, And The Confession And The Assertion Of Opposers.
- Chapter I - The evidences of original sin from what appears in the fact of the sinfulness of mankind
- Chapter II - Universal mortality proves original sin; Particularly the death of infants, with its various circumstances.
Part II
Containing Observations On particular Parts Of The Holy Scripture, Which Prove The Doctrine Of Original Sin.
- Chapter I - Observations relating to things contained in the three first chapters of Genesis, with reference to the doctrine of Original Sin.
- Chapter II - Observations on other parts of the Holy Scriptures, chiefly in the Old Testament, that prove the doctrine of Original Sin.
- Chapter III - Observations on various other places of Scripture, principally of the New Testament, proving the doctrine of Original Sin.
- Chapter IV - Containing Observations on Romans 5:12, To the End.
Part III
The Evidences Given Us, Relative To The Doctrine Of Original Sin, In What The Scriptures Reveal Concerning The Redemption By Christ.
- Chapter I - The Evidence of Original Sin, from the nature of Redemption, in the procurement of it.
- Chapter II - The evidence of the doctrine of Original Sin from what the Scripture teaches of the application of Redemption.
Part IV
Containing Answers To Objections.
- Chapter I - Concerning the objection, that to suppose men born in sin, without their choice, or any previous act of their own, is to suppose what is inconsistent with the nature of sin.
- Chapter II - Concerning the objection, against the doctrine of native corruption, that to suppose men receive their first existence in sin, is to make Him who is the author of their being, the author of their depravity.
- Chapter III - That great objection against the imputation of Adam's sin to his posterity, considered, that such imputation is unjust and unreasonable, inasmuch as Adam and his posterity are not one and the same. With a brief reflection subjoined of what some have supposed, of God imputing the guilt of Adam's sin to his posterity, but in an infinitely less degree than to Adam himself.
- Chapter IV - Wherein several other objections are considered.